WARNING: Geocaching May Cause...

WARNING:  Geocaching may cause...

  • extreme amounts of fun and excitement.
  • you to think there's a cache behind/in every bush.
  • dreams about potential hiding places.
  • a desire to get out more and become much more active.
  • an unquenchable desire for hiking.
  • you to spend an unprecedented amount of time doing something that the whole family enjoys.
  • you to start camping.
  • a desire to become "technically savvy", especially when it concerns coordinates and a GPS.
  • you to become addicted to photography.
  • lots of daydreaming about geocaching while at work.
  • you to plan vacations around geocaching.
**And finally, geocaching may cause you to have so much fun that you are willing to post articles like this.

I'm interested to know what you'd add to the list.


  1. All very valid points. I'd add...
    1 -will improve your sense of direction
    2 - contribute to more exercise outdoors

    1. More additions could include...

      1. you to have better problem solving skills.
      2. you to tell better stories about your adventures.

  2. I might add that you think that you can hear all those geocaches calling out to you as you drive down the Interstate.

  3. WARNING: Geocaching May Cause.....A serious but treatable condition known in the scientific circles as "CacheCrazy". A desire to get outdoors, explore areas and extensive internet surfing may be noticed in milder cases. More aggressive symptoms might include: tree climbing, crawling through storm drains, wading through streams and participating in geocaching events. "There is no danger however, caution should be exercised while encountering one of these CacheCrazy types" says Dr. Bloodhounded from the Institute of Geocacheology. "Your best defense is to just join in on the fun". It sure sounds serious to me.......

    1. Very good! Your comment is definitely worthy of a post all by itself..LOL.


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